Saturday, December 19, 2009

Observing the Economy

The MSM is grasping at every straw to try to convince us that the economy is recovering. My observations from out there in the "real world" tell a different story.

I've been in the trucking business for 11 years and truck traffic on I-75 and I-95 over the past two months has been the lightest I've ever seen. I was in the Wal Mart distribution center in London, KY a couple of weeks ago. That distribution center has about 50 doors on the refrigerated receiving dock. There were only about ten trucks making deliveries when I got there. This is particularly worrisome because this is the holiday season. In prior years, when the economy was in better shape, that distribution center stayed packed full of trucks from the first of November until Christmas.

Of course the economy will eventually recover, but it hasn't started yet. It would recover more quickly and be more stable if the Obama administration and the Congress would stop interfering with it. Franklin Roosevelt's policies kept the economy depressed for almost ten years. Is Obama trying to follow FDR's lead?


  1. Geez, Rob! If the man would follow anyone's lead we'd be a lot better off. He certainly can't do it from within himself because everything within himself is anti-American and evil.

    He needs to be removed from office and the whole of Congress needs to be arrested and tried for treason for allowing what has transpired.

    Once folks start getting shot for treason there might be some hope that future representatives will be more selective in their choice of which lobby group they pay attention to, and that "we the people" are that group.

  2. Shot for treason. I was just thinking about that yesterday. The entire administration are treasonous dogs.

    Give them all a "...fair trial, followed by a frist class hanging."
